Vladimír Karfík – biography

Zlín – building 21
author of the Baťa skyscraper project

director: Tomáš Luňák
design: Jan Kolouch Šrámek
design collaboration: Ondřej Mohyla
animation: Tomáš Hájek
production: Kristýna Hněvsová
music: Jiří Libánský
sound postproduction: Soundsquare
sound design: Viktor Ekrt
sound studio production: Jakub Sláma
supervisor: Petr Všetečka
The film uses quotes from the book Vzpomínky 1901 – 1996
written by prof. Ing. arch. Vladimír Karfík,
published by Atelier IM Luhačovice in 2012.
Thanks to Irena Voštová and Miloš Bařinka for their support.


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